Plot Overview: Sakura Kinomoto had been an normal 4tl grader until the time she opened a strange publication and allow dozens of effective magic credit cards loose on the world. Keroberos, the Protector of the Clow Credit cards, notifies Sakura that it is certainly today her responsibility to find and catch the liberated cards. However, much to the hesitant Sakura's dismay, points aren't going to become easy for her; basically saying secret terms and waving hér wand aróund isn't great good enough. Each card will be a living, thinking, incredibly powerful being. She'll have to learn to manage with her fresh responsibilities, simply because properly as normal troubles including love, school, family members, and buddies. With the assistance of her buddy Tomoyo and a younger youngster with strengths of his own, she must learn how to use her newly awakened magical capabilities to collect each card and avoid the problem that will befall the world if she doesn't. (March 25, 1998) You can lead info to this page, but very first you must ór Blu-Ray (Area A new) 2014-08-05 Dvd and blu-ray (Area 1) 2014-08-05 (from $50.99) 2006-11-15 DVD (Area 4) 2012-09-05 Graphic story 2002-04-16 (from $14.99) 2002-05-21 (from $14.99) 2002-12-28 VHS 2001-03-11.